「オタク2枚ください」。ロングラン中の映画「電車 男」を観賞する際、窓口でそう告げると入場料金が安くなるサービ スが話題を集めている。神奈川県藤沢市の映画館「フジサワ中央」が、一般1700円、大学・高校生1400円に加え「オタク1300円」という料金を設 定。判別は不可能なため、自己申告すれば誰でもサービスを受けられる状態という。
封切りは6月4日だっ たが、同館は7月23日から上映。同館を運営する藤沢映画興行営業管理部の新田浩二課長 (40)は「公開遅れを取り戻すための話題づくりがはまった。独身割引などの案もあったが、シャレで主人公と引っ掛けた」と説明する。もくろみ通り、企画 は大成功。動員数は予想比2割増となった。新聞や雑誌、ブログ(日記)などで話題になったこともあって、来館者の半数が“オタク”といい、中には女性客も いるとか。
[2005/8/27/08:12 Nikkansports ]
Densha Otoko is still running in cinemas to date and in Kanagawa's Fujisawa City, there is this cinema, "Fujisawa Chuo" which has introduced a special discount for otaku. The ticket price for most people is 1700 yen while university and senior high school stdents are charged 1400 yen. As it is hard to distinguish who is an otaku, the person has to identify himself/herself as an otaku at the ticket sales counter and the ticket will be sold at 1300 yen.
This movie opened in Fujisawa on 23 Jul which is much later than the nationwide screening date of 4 June. As such, they introduced this promotion to get more people to view this movie at the cinema. The movie will end its run on 2 Sep.
Densha Otoko is still running in cinemas to date and in Kanagawa's Fujisawa City, there is this cinema, "Fujisawa Chuo" which has introduced a special discount for otaku. The ticket price for most people is 1700 yen while university and senior high school stdents are charged 1400 yen. As it is hard to distinguish who is an otaku, the person has to identify himself/herself as an otaku at the ticket sales counter and the ticket will be sold at 1300 yen.
This movie opened in Fujisawa on 23 Jul which is much later than the nationwide screening date of 4 June. As such, they introduced this promotion to get more people to view this movie at the cinema. The movie will end its run on 2 Sep.
Source: http://s8.invisionfree.com/Dorama_World