Yamada Takayuki News - 山田孝之

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


  TBSドラマ「白夜行」(木曜後9・00)に主演している人気俳優山田孝之(22)に隠し子がいることが14日、分かった。交際していた女性(22)が昨 年10月に男の子を出産、実家で育てている。昨年春に妊娠が分かった際、2人で話し合い、結婚はせずに、子供を産むことで合意した。山田は生活費、養育費 などすべて負担している。






  若い芸能人の間で“できちゃった婚”が相次いでいる中、結婚という選択をしなかった珍しいケース。山田は中学卒業後に芸能界入りし、コツコツと演技の勉強 を重ねながら、地道な努力で主演の座を獲得してきた。そのことは交際していた女性が「一番よく分かっていた」(親しい知人)という。役者として一番大事な 時期であることを理解し、2人で出した結論だった。


  ◆山田 孝之(やまだ・たかゆき)1983年(昭58)10月20日生まれの22歳。鹿児島県出身。99年に日本テレビのドラマ「サイコメトラー EIJI2」でデビュー。01年にNHK朝の連続テレビ小説「ちゅらさん」で主人公の弟を演じ、注目を集める。03年にフジテレビ「ウォーターボーイズ」 でドラマに初主演し、ブレーク。昨年「電車男」で映画初主演。主な出演作はドラマ「世界の中心で、愛をさけぶ」「H2~君といた日々~」、映画「ドラゴン ヘッド」など。
[ 2006年02月15日付 Sponichi ]

Currently seen on Byakuyakou (Thursday 9pm ),
Popular actor Yamada Takayuki (22), has been
discovered to have an illegitimate child.
The woman who associated (22) gave birth to
the boy in the October last year, and is currently
raised in her hometown. Yamada was told of the
pregnancy last spring, both have come to
agreement to have the child but not to marry.

With his string of hits in drama's and
movies and known for his
以“さわやか系 (clear refreshing type),
this is a major shocking impact.

According to Sponichi, he was told of the
pregnancy in Spring last year.
During that time, his blockbuster movie
Densha Otoko was showing in
theatres which received 3.7 billion yen
in revenue. It was concluded after
many discussions between the 2 that
the baby would be raised by the mother.

The baby was born in October last year.
According to reports, he was a
very healthy baby, and looks a lot like
Yamada and has a cute lovable face!

The 2 are on good terms and have
consulted experts on the living and
education expenses, all to be footed
by Yamada until the child is an adult.
Since the 2 did not marry, this
"compensation money" is the maximum
sincerity on the male's behalf.

In the youngest of Genoujin,
"Dekichatta Kekkon (having a child before marriage)"
occurs one after another. But the news without
marriage in this case is rare.

After grauduating from High School,
Yamada entered showbiz. After a lot
of hard work unceasingly enhancing his
acting in many roles has obtained
the status of leading man. The women in
question is very considerate
and supportive of his situation and has sacrificed
forming a family for the sake of his career.