2/15/06, 10:46 AM - News

Unusually for a young Japanese actor faced with unplanned parenthood, Yamada decided not to marry his now ex-girlfriend for appearances' sake (known in colloquial Japanese as a "dekichatta-kon"), and instead agreed to foot the bill for her living and child-raising expenses until their progeny reaches the age of 20. Yamada's decision to keep the kid a secret, another tradition of sorts in the Japanese entertainment world, was presumably made out of a desire to maintain his popularity with his young female fanbase.
The beetle-browed hearthrob has become a hot property on both the big and small screen in recent years, and is currently starring in the high-rating television drama series "Byakuyakou" alongside his 'Sekachu' co-star Ayase Haruka. This revelation could have severe repercussions on his burgeoning career. (source: Sponichi)