Takayuki Yamada (25) has been cast in the upcoming movie "Oarai ni mo Hoshi wa Furu Nari," directed by Yuichi Fukuda ("33-pun Tantei"). The film is an adaptation of a 2006 play produced by Fukuda's theatrical troupe, Bravo Company.
The story is set at the beach in winter, where seven quirky men are competing for the affection of one "madonna." As their efforts unfold, various truths about the men come to light. The colorful cast includes a shark maniac and a "choiwaru oyaji" (a middle-aged man who is a bit of a bad boy), as well as Yamada's character, a young man named Sugimoto. Sugimoto is a narcissist, believing that he is the only man who suits the "madonna." But as the plot progresses, it is discovered that Sugimoto has been peeking into her mail every day, making him seem like a stalker.
The complete cast has not yet been announced. "Oarai ni mo Hoshi wa Furu Nari" is expected to open in the fall.